Volume 9 お気に入りのペットは? Popular Pets Michael: Now, we've talked a lot about dogs and cats, but I'm wondering, what other kind of pets are popular, say in the States? Ann: Well when we were growing up, generally people had gerbils. Michael: Ah yes. Ann: Hamsters. They were very popular. Guinea pigs were also very popular. People had rabbits, actually was another thing, although we also could see them in the yards. They seemed, meaning wild rabbits, so they seemed a little less exotic in that way. What about for you? Michael: When I was growing up I had, uh, a rabbit and definitely some gerbils, uh, a hamster, a couple of budgies which are . . . Ann: Is a bird, right? Michael: A bird, a bird, which are very popular in the U.K. Those are the ones I remember. And cats. Never had a dog. Ann: Never had a dog. Oh. Michael: Never had a dog, so . . . Ann: And do you have any other pets in mind, besides your cat, for the future? Michael: For the future, I wonder. Uh, no, I think I'll stick with cats. Ann: Even though now you have a new, new angle on dogs, right? You didn't realize that, ha-ha. Michael: Well, I, hmm, yes. I know. You see the thing about dogs, of course, is they do need lots of exercise. Ann: They do. I mean, depending to some extent on the breed. Michael: I see. And . . . Ann: But yes they, they need more. Well,whatever pets you have, if you have pets, we hope you enjoy them as much as, as we enjoy ours. And, uh, not everybody is a pet person actually. Michael: No, but if you've got a pet, go give your pet a hug - unless it's a snake. Maybe that's not such a grand idea. Ann: Give 'em a treat. Michael: Give 'em a treat, yeah. Ann: All right, well on that cheery note, we will, uh, look forward to being with you next time. Michael: Oh yes, definitely. OK. So take care until then. Ann: Bye-bye. Michael: Bye-bye.