Volume 7 ダイエットの必要性 Media Impact on Self-Image Ann: And two of the problems that I remember certainly, when I was growing up in high school, I think high school girls often are susceptible to this sort of wanting to diet and be thinner and thinner and so on. So two of the problems were anorexia and also bulimia. Michael: Right. Ann: Both are eating disorders. And anorexia, you could see it. So, and you know and it's, again, it's an interesting thing where I think where the person's image of themself was so different from how they actually look that they couldn't see that they were getting too thin. I hear that lately, uh, some, either in fashion shows or some magazines, are trying not to use such thin models because of the dangers of holding those women up as models for young women or any women to emulate. Michael: Right, yes and we've seen this as well with the fashion launches, the shows, I believe, I forget in which country there was one of the major fashion events, they actually put a ban on ultra thin models. Ann: That's right. I think it was in Spain, or it was somewhere in Europe. Michael: Maybe it was Mad-Madrid or something like that. Ann: Uh-huh. So, you know, the hope is, of course, that people just think of diet in the sense of diet like eating along the food pyramid, and don't have too much sugar, and try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and that kind of thing - so diet in the sense of having a healthy diet. Michael: As opposed to a diet in attempting to lose weight to . . . 'Cause the, I mean, the, the diets that are available, if you read through them, some of them are quite bizarre. Ann: They are, idiosyncratic. Ha-ha. Have you ever tried any diet? Michael: No I haven't, I must confess. I love eating way too much. Ann: Ha-ha. Yeah, well that's the thing for me too. That would be the, the obstacle to my starting any diet. Ha-ha. Michael: In-indeedy so. Right. Ann: Well, on that note, I think we're gonna go have an ice cream sundae. Michael: You know, I'm, I'm looking down at my stomach and I'm thinking I shouldn't really. I'm gonna go home, sit on the couch, watch TV, and I'm gonna watch all the commercials for all of these exercise machines and diet machines. Ann: And then you'll feel like you worked out. Michael: And I'll feel like I worked out. Ann: Ha-ha. All right, well on that note we will say goodbye for this month. It's been great being with you, and we'll look forward to next time. Michael: Absolutely. Take care. Bye-bye. Ann: Bye.