Volume 1 テレビ番組事情あれこれ Mood or Info? Ann: Another interesting thing I have noticed with TV is the commercials are different. Michael: How, how are they different for you? Ann: Well, Japanese ads, for example, often have celebrities. Michael: Right. Ann: And sometimes you may not even see what the product is for a while, during the commercial. Whereas American commercials, it's much more, sort of, informational and direct and, like, comparing say, "studies show that this product, you know, performs to this extent and this one doesn't," and so on. And so it's a more factually direct, informationally oriented, thing. Michael: That's one thing that's different with the UK is, is the American commercials - they will pitch their product against another competing product - in England, that doesn't happen. I believe it might actually be illegal to do that. Ann: Which doesn't surprise me. I would think it would be. But, ha-ha. Michael: And in Japan, of course, that, that doesn't happen, either. Ann: And are, aside from that, are the UK commercials, would you say that they're, sort of, more mood-oriented as you find here? Michael: They are more, yes, they are . . . Ann: Or more so than American ones. Michael: . . . they are creating an atmosphere. They, they'll often rely on humor as well to help you to remember the commercial and therefore remember the product. So the, the commercials are quite creative. Although I find Japanese commercials can be incredibly creative as well. Ann: I agree. Michael: And quite funny. Ann: And funny. Michael: Yes. Yes. So, I, I kind of enjoy watching the commercials more than I enjoy watching some of the programs, interestingly. Ann: Yes, they are very entertaining. Anyway, uh, this topic we would love to talk more about, there's a lot to say. Michael: There's a huge amount to talk about. We all like talking about TV. Ann: That's right, and but, um, we'll wrap up here for this time and hope that you'll join us next time for our next topic. Michael: Yes, indeed s-we hope you can join us. Ann: We sure do. Michael: And take care. Bye-bye. Ann: Bye.