Volume 16 ティータイムでリラックス Uniquely Japanese Drinks Ann: Now, in Japan it's interesting, both these drinks are very, very popular, right? Tea and coffee. Michael: Right. Both tea and coffee, and of course Japanese tea has a long history. And, uh, in my ignorance when I came to Japan I didn't realize that Japanese tea and good old common black tea is the same. It's just processed differently, or the way they're put together. But I find it completely different flavor, of course, and that's interesting. Ann: Yeah, yeah. What do you think about these, uh, you know, in the vending machines you can buy - this is very Japanese, right - this, you know, canned coffee or canned tea. And so many different kinds, like canned milk tea or canned café au lait and so on. Do you like it? Michael: I do actually. I mean, I loved that when I came to Japan the first time and I thought, "Wow, look at this. There's, they have, you know, coffee and tea in a can!" And then I was doubly surprised when I realized it was hot. Well, warm anyway. And I occasionally enjoy the canned coffee, even though to me it doesn't really taste like coffee. Ann: It doesn't. It doesn't. I think you're right. You have to look at it in a different category. Michael: Right. It has its own unique flavor. Ann: That's right. Michael: But it's not bad. Ann: And, and it, it's too sweet. That's the only problem I have with it. Michael: They do make them very sweet. Ann: It's very sweet. Which surprises me, because generally things here are less sweet. For example, desserts. So, and then I understand in the U.K. - maybe you've heard about this place - that there is a teashop owned by a Japanese woman that's very successful. Michael: I have heard about that. Ann: And this, uh, was really, you know, amazing 'cause there's a Japanese woman, and this is one of the big specialties of the U.K. right, is, is tea and teashops. But she won it. Michael: Indeed, but it just goes to show that tea is very international. Ann: That's right. It's universal. It's the global drink. All right. Well great being with you all, and we'll look forward to being with you next month. Michael: Indeed. So goodbye for the moment. Ann: And enjoy a wonderful cup of tea or coffee. Michael: Well, whatever you like. Have whatever you like. Ann: Bye. Michael: Bye-bye. Take care.